5 Beers
21 Front Street Trenton, ON

"Hot Roast Beef Yorkshire Sammie: Shaved Slow roasted Enright Cattle Co. beef, in a Yorkshire pudding, house gravy over frites, finished with horseradish mayo" ~their menu
Recommend this place. A classy but cozy place to come away from the hustle of things. Great decor that welcomes and presents their theme well. The menu is fun, a bit expensive but was expected to be. The food was great and different, so to make the whole experience an adventure.
Hick Meter: sprinkled in
Attitude: Lovely people, very helpful and knowledgeable.
Cleanliness: Very
Bathroom: Very clean but did not enjoy the large canvas pictures of food. Right from their menu, I do not wish to see my food while in the bathroom.
Bonuses: Great Atmosphere
Online: website